澳門西灣是個寧靜的地方, 沿著海邊長滿了老榕樹, 更可看到觀光塔, 融和門及西灣大橋等名勝. 每次來到這裡都覺得十分安靜舒服, 因為這裡人和車都比較少, 令人有一種遠離城市的感覺.
The West Bay of Macau is a peaceful place, you can follow the old banyan trees, and apreciate the Macau Tower, the Understanding Statue and the West Bay Bridge. I feel comfortable and calm here, because here have not too much persons and cars.
從前的澳門就是個小漁港, 所以來到西灣和媽閣, 看看這裡沿海的古老建築和老榕樹, 真的有如回到過去的澳門 .
Macau was a fishing port at many years ago, when you walking at West Bay, look at the sea, the old architecture and the old banyan trees, really can feel the origin of Macau.

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